Ian Phillips worked with Art Director, Peter Zaver, to create this cover for Marketing Magazine's Top 2011 Marketers issue. Peter wanted to see a cityscape with the logos of 10 marketers incorporated into the illustration. To Ian's delight, Peter suggested an Andy Warhol style soup can for Campbell's! Take a peek behind the process - below we've posted some of the early sketches.

Ian begins with some quick sketches and picks his favourite. He then creates a tight linear to show the client the idea as close to final as possible.

The next step after the above tight linear drawing is choosing colors. A PDF of the cover is helpful to make sure there is room for the masthead. These were some of the color comps. Ian loves drawing buildings and people and even managed to create a cameo appearance of his dog "Fancy". Check out the final image to see if you can spot "Fancy".