Greg Stevenson’s Poster Series for Open Mic Night

Nothing better than catching some live music at the local pub, right? Greg Stevenson has been a regular at Scallywags  for quite some time and over the years he’s been responsible for a lot of their terrific poster art. The assignment to brand and help promote their new Open Mic Night was right up Greg’s alley.

Greg used his signature hand-drawn lineart with plenty of color and texture when he designed and illustrated this poster series. Greg’s unique way of contextualizing photos perfectly captures what we know will be a good time.

Check out more of Greg’s illustration work. Represented by i2i Art Inc.

Happy Halloween!

Tim Zeltner has created this beautifully atmospheric illustration that transports one right into the scene in his trademark style.  The characters are both primitively whimsical and yet the story is so real!  This image always brings a smile to my face.

Here's hoping your Halloween is sufficiently scary + abundant with treats!

To see more of Tim's magical illustrations, check out his portfolio here!

Tim Zeltner HappyHalloween










Our debut at Surtex 2013

Here we are ready for day one! 

Featuring prints and patterns from participating artists:  Sarah Beetson, Alanna Cavanagh, Harvey Chan, Katy Dockrill, Betsy Everitt, phil, Mark Hoffmann, Monika Melnychuk, Ian Phillips, Thom Sevalrud, Tracy Walker and Tim Zeltner.

From left:  Ian Phillips, me (Shelley Brown), Tracy Walker, Betsy Everitt and Alanna Cavanagh.

Our pillow and plate presentation drew a LOT of oohh's & aahh's!  Thank you Ian Phillips, for doing such a fabulous job of designing our booth!

Ian holds up two of our custom pillows seated below our fabulous plates!  We held a draw for the pillows and plates following the show.

Tina Roth Eisenberg aka Swiss miss checking out our artists' work for some Tattlys!

Me (Shelley Brown) with Arren Williams, Creative Director at the Hudson's Bay Company.  

Mark Hoffmann: Enormous Tiny Art Show #13

Mark Hoffmann has been having big fun creating smallish art for the Enormous Tiny Art Show #13!  His naive visual vocabulary is, as always, full of wit with an underlying deeper wisdom.  Of his art, Mark says, "The work is meant to be perfect through its imperfections. The boards I paint on are warped and frayed around the edges. Perspectives, proportions, compositions and colors are intentionally left awkward to add to the conversation."

The show runs from February 1-25.  Check out the huge selection of art (no larger than 10″ x 10″) for sale at very reasonable prices here.  Better move fast because some have already sold before the sale has officially begun!

If you're local attend the opening at the Nahcotta Gallery in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Friday February 1st, 5-8pm.

Here are a few of our faves from the featured Mark Hoffmann collection:

Enormous Tiny Art Show paintings ©Mark Hoffmann/i2iart
Enormous Tiny Art Show paintings ©Mark Hoffmann/i2iart

Happy Howlidays from Monika Melnychuk!

  After illustrating the Dogbook app, Monika Melnychuk was asked by Geoffrey Roche, of Poolhouse Enterprises, to dress up the dogs for the 'howlidays'!  Monika had tons of fun doing the illustrations (cards designed by Poolhouse).  To check out the poodle sporting a string of holiday bling to the mischievous gift ripping duo, and the adorable Chiuaua aka"Rudolph's brother from another mother", click here to get to visit the Dogbook Facebook page (and while you're there go ahead and send a free e-card to your favorite 'pet'!).

Dogbook Holiday Card illustrations ©Monika Melnychuk/i2iart
Dogbook Holiday Card illustrations ©Monika Melnychuk/i2iart

Kevin Ghiglione: Fine Art Opening

There are so many sides to Kevin Ghiglione.  For those who have not been introduced to his fine art, you are in for a treat! FableKevin's most recent body of encaustic paintings, opens at  MUSE Gallery this Friday October 19th from 6-9pm and runs through November 8th, 2012.  Fable is about stories that conjure the wonder of discovery and for those local folks who would like to drop by the gallery to see his art in the flesh, Kevin says, "The true life of the artworks can only be fully experienced in person where one can delve into the luminosity of layered wax and passively feel the three dimensional qualities exposed with incidental light.".

i2i Artists Support LGBT Youth Line

i2i artists Thom Sevalrud, Ian Phillips and John Webster are 3 of 20 artists and designers commissioned by Shaun Moore of MADE  to create custom auction paddles for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Youth Line's upcoming yearly Line Art Auction taking place November 6th at the Neubacher Shor Gallery. Ian Phillips' paddles inspired by his beloved dog and muse, Fancy Polanski, RIP.

'IPAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Ian Phillips/i2iart
'IPAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Ian Phillips/i2iart

John Webster's paddles, everything Webster I hear bling, bling?

'JWAuctionPaddles' illustration ©John Webster/i2iart
'JWAuctionPaddles' illustration ©John Webster/i2iart

Thom Sevalrud says, "The concept for my paddles was influenced by Semaphore signalling flags. I used the Semaphore alphabet to create the word YOUTH. Then I took liberties with the designs by 'complicating' them with flamboyant and crazy patterns that I made myself. The overlaying word QUEER is meant to complete the visual statement to go along with the symbolic representations to form the words QUEER YOUTH. Defiant, colorful and individual!".

'TSAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Thom Sevalrud/i2iart
'TSAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Thom Sevalrud/i2iart


Jillian Ditner: TIFF 2012 Walking Map for Timberland

A little while back marketing agency trevor peter communications contacted us about a walking map for Timberland, an official sponsor of TIFF (The Toronto International Film Festival).  When Jillian Ditner was chosen, we were pretty excited about this great opportunity!  Creative Director, Alexandra MacDonald and Jillian, along with Josh McKellar, Marketing Manager for Timberland, began the collaborative process of creating the first ever eco friendly tool for navigating TIFF. The initial direction was for Jillian to create her own artistic interpretation of Toronto, the TIFF ‘playground’ and the area venues downtown that host the Festival.  One of the key objectives for this user-friendly map was to inspire TIFF-goers to ‘get outside’, walk the festival, and connect with the community.  The finished map below is available as a downloadable pdf at the Timberland online Community here.  Enjoy the Festival!

Here is a glimpse into Jillian's process.


Sarah Beetson in 'Pick Me Up 2012'

Sarah Beetson has an exciting new surface design collection she has put together for the 2012 Somerset House Pick Me Up show.  The exhibition is a contemporary graphic art fair, showcasing work from the best illustrators, graphic novelists and designers from the UK.  The exhibition opens March 22nd and runs until April 1, 2012 at Somerset House, Embankment Galleries, Strand, London.

Sarah's new collection includes cushions, skirts, totes and handbags, some made-to-order dresses and screen printed t-shirts.


Art printed to fabric (from L to R: Mirror Repeat on Silk Viscose Velvet, Celluloid Repeat on needlecord and the quilt from cotton poplin.) These fabrics were also used in quilts and cushions

Below are some of the handbags and totes she has created:


For a peek into the creation of the t-shirts check out Sarah's blog here.




"Face It" Show - Portraits by Harvey Chan

Harvey Chan has been busy this past summer exploring realism and revisiting the magic he finds in oil painting and portraiture.  A series of the portraits he has created will be on display at The Bunky Studio: 135 Tecumseth, Unit #2 (ground floor) in Toronto - one block west of Bathurst, between Queen and King. The Opening reception will be held Friday, Oct. 7 from 6 to 10 pm. The work can also be seen Saturday, Oct. 8, 1 to 5 pm

To see a selection of the portraits go to Harvey Chan's portfolio and click on Portfolio 2.