i2i art welcomes illustrator and surface designer Katy Dockrill

  i2i art is proud to welcome Katy Dockrill into our family of artists.  Her work is fresh and fun and full of irresistible personality!

Below is a small sample of her illustration and surface designs.  To see more please visit Katy's new i2i art portfolio here.


This image (above) called Friends, caught my eye when I first saw it screen printed on a tote bag!


Love the retro car in this illustration!


This is one of her lovely surface design patterns.  Can you just imagine it on children's bedding or curtains?

Tim Zeltner for Brewer's Association

  Working with Allison Seymour, art director for the American Homebrewer's Association Tim Zeltner created this cover at for the March/April issue of Zymurgy Magazine, featuring the concept of home brewing with locally sourced ingredients.  Tim's trademark rural landscape painting with the surrealistic addition of a pint of home brewed beer, create a dreamy utopia for any beer lover.


Greg Stevenson: Sin & Self-Improvement

  The Alberta Magazine Publishers Association is pleased to announce the finalists of the 2013 Alberta Magazine Awards and we are delighted that this cover art created by Greg Stevenson for art director Kim Larson, is one of the award winning covers.

Alberta Venture initial sketch ©Greg Stevenson-i2iart
Alberta Venture initial sketch ©Greg Stevenson-i2iart

Feeling inspired by the subject matter, Greg went to town covering all the sinful bases with his first sketch (above)!

(we just thought you'd enjoy this behind the scenes sneak peek into Greg's process)

Alberta Venture Final ©Greg Stevenson-i2iart
Alberta Venture Final ©Greg Stevenson-i2iart

And this is the award winning cover art! 

Monika Melnychuk for Naked Flock

  i2i Art was approached by cider maker Jonathan Hull of Applewood Winery to have Monika Melnychuk create new packaging for their Hudson Valley Hard Cider, which was to be relaunched under the new name, Naked Flock.  The product name was inspired by a very colorful, visual folk tale about a pastor who plants some poppy seeds and a flock of geese who eat the poppies and fall into a deep sleep.   Thought dead the geese are plucked for their feathers--hence the name Naked Flock.  Read the whole tale on Applewood Winery's website.

Monika says, "This is one of my favorite projects to date.  And the first project I have been hired to do the illustration and design as well.  Naked Geese?  The story is hilarious, so when I approached the project I wanted to create something funny, but a bit edgy as well."

Monika designed the logo and labels and illustrated all three skus of Naked Flock Hard Cider:  Original, Draft and Pumpkin.




Thom Sevalrud: Big Data

  The Wikipedia definition of Big Data is:  "a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools..."

Thom Sevalrud has a way with taking just this type of complexity and in his very unique visual vocabulary communicating the idea clearly, like no other.  That's why  Brian Donahue of Be Design called upon Thom to illustrate Why Big Data is a Big Deal for Macalester Today.  Brian is also a big fan of Thom's hand lettering so he also asked him to illustrate the headline for this feature as well.


Mark Hoffmann: Enormous Tiny Art Show #13

Mark Hoffmann has been having big fun creating smallish art for the Enormous Tiny Art Show #13!  His naive visual vocabulary is, as always, full of wit with an underlying deeper wisdom.  Of his art, Mark says, "The work is meant to be perfect through its imperfections. The boards I paint on are warped and frayed around the edges. Perspectives, proportions, compositions and colors are intentionally left awkward to add to the conversation."

The show runs from February 1-25.  Check out the huge selection of art (no larger than 10″ x 10″) for sale at very reasonable prices here.  Better move fast because some have already sold before the sale has officially begun!

If you're local attend the opening at the Nahcotta Gallery in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Friday February 1st, 5-8pm.

Here are a few of our faves from the featured Mark Hoffmann collection:

Enormous Tiny Art Show paintings ©Mark Hoffmann/i2iart
Enormous Tiny Art Show paintings ©Mark Hoffmann/i2iart

Tim Zeltner for Yankee Magazine

Tim Zeltner illustrated this fantasy winter wonderland for a travel feature, The Town of Our Dreams, art directed by Yankee's Lori Pedrick.  From snow covered rolling hills, quaint homes, picture-perfect shops to horse drawn sleigh rides, Tim created this fictitious place called NewEnglandville--the town of New England's dreams!

New Englandville cover ©Tim Zeltner/i2iart
New Englandville cover ©Tim Zeltner/i2iart
New Englandville spread ©Tim Zeltner/i2iart
New Englandville spread ©Tim Zeltner/i2iart

Happy Howlidays from Monika Melnychuk!

  After illustrating the Dogbook app, Monika Melnychuk was asked by Geoffrey Roche, of Poolhouse Enterprises, to dress up the dogs for the 'howlidays'!  Monika had tons of fun doing the illustrations (cards designed by Poolhouse).  To check out the poodle sporting a string of holiday bling to the mischievous gift ripping duo, and the adorable Chiuaua aka"Rudolph's brother from another mother", click here to get to visit the Dogbook Facebook page (and while you're there go ahead and send a free e-card to your favorite 'pet'!).

Dogbook Holiday Card illustrations ©Monika Melnychuk/i2iart
Dogbook Holiday Card illustrations ©Monika Melnychuk/i2iart

Rémy Simard's latest Graphic Novel: Horrendo's Curse

  Sneak peek:  Rémy Simard, working with editor, Alison Kooistra, has brought Anna Fienberg's words to life in Annick Press' latest Graphic Novel, Horrendo's Curse.  Horrendo and his young friends enter into the dangerous world of swashbuckling pirates, where they are captured and worked to the bone.  In the meantime, they are even busier as they conjure up their cunning escape plan!  We're sure you'd love to find out what happens next, but I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait until the fall of 2013 when Horrendo's Curse hits bookstores!  More to come...

Horrendo's Curse cover art ©Rémy simard/i2iart
Horrendo's Curse cover art ©Rémy simard/i2iart
'Horrendo's Curse' art ©Rémy simard/i2iart
'Horrendo's Curse' art ©Rémy simard/i2iart


Kevin Ghiglione: Fine Art Opening

There are so many sides to Kevin Ghiglione.  For those who have not been introduced to his fine art, you are in for a treat! FableKevin's most recent body of encaustic paintings, opens at  MUSE Gallery this Friday October 19th from 6-9pm and runs through November 8th, 2012.  Fable is about stories that conjure the wonder of discovery and for those local folks who would like to drop by the gallery to see his art in the flesh, Kevin says, "The true life of the artworks can only be fully experienced in person where one can delve into the luminosity of layered wax and passively feel the three dimensional qualities exposed with incidental light.".

i2i Artists Support LGBT Youth Line

i2i artists Thom Sevalrud, Ian Phillips and John Webster are 3 of 20 artists and designers commissioned by Shaun Moore of MADE  to create custom auction paddles for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Youth Line's upcoming yearly Line Art Auction taking place November 6th at the Neubacher Shor Gallery. Ian Phillips' paddles inspired by his beloved dog and muse, Fancy Polanski, RIP.

'IPAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Ian Phillips/i2iart
'IPAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Ian Phillips/i2iart

John Webster's paddles, everything Webster wonderful...do I hear bling, bling?

'JWAuctionPaddles' illustration ©John Webster/i2iart
'JWAuctionPaddles' illustration ©John Webster/i2iart

Thom Sevalrud says, "The concept for my paddles was influenced by Semaphore signalling flags. I used the Semaphore alphabet to create the word YOUTH. Then I took liberties with the designs by 'complicating' them with flamboyant and crazy patterns that I made myself. The overlaying word QUEER is meant to complete the visual statement to go along with the symbolic representations to form the words QUEER YOUTH. Defiant, colorful and individual!".

'TSAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Thom Sevalrud/i2iart
'TSAuctionPaddles' illustration ©Thom Sevalrud/i2iart
